The way I look at it is that rehabilitation is generally a waste of time. Criminal punishment should be primarily about either removing the offenders from society, or discouraging either active or potential offenders from offending again. SBF is not a violent man, but he stole a lot of money, and very likely will attempt to do such again as long as he thinks he can get away with such. A nice long snit in a real prison is exactly the sort of thing that could conceivably discourage him from thinking he can get away with such behavior again. But if he decides to ignore such a lesson, he'll at least have the decency to be out of our hair for a decent stretch of time.
We are encouraging the politicians we keep electing. They are as crooked as he is and we pay them to steal from us.
The way I look at it is that rehabilitation is generally a waste of time. Criminal punishment should be primarily about either removing the offenders from society, or discouraging either active or potential offenders from offending again. SBF is not a violent man, but he stole a lot of money, and very likely will attempt to do such again as long as he thinks he can get away with such. A nice long snit in a real prison is exactly the sort of thing that could conceivably discourage him from thinking he can get away with such behavior again. But if he decides to ignore such a lesson, he'll at least have the decency to be out of our hair for a decent stretch of time.